Thursday, 18 September 2014

My favourite film from summer 2014

As mentioned previously, The Fault in Our Stars was a highly popular film from 2014 and it just so happens to be my favourite film from this summer. The way the film depicts how cancer can affect the lives of people my age really hits home and makes the illness seem more real.
The contrast between the joyous moments and the depressing scenes make this film a must watch as it not only makes you beam with happiness but it also reduces you to tears. The way both characters make light of the situation they’re in makes the film more uplifting. For example, when Hazel is riding with Augustus in his car are he can’t drive brilliantly due to his prosthetic leg, they joke about the fact he only passed his driving test due to the fact it was a ‘cancer perk’, where the individual felt sorry for Gus’ and the fact he was dying. One of the saddest scenes in the film is a complete contrast to the driving scene. Before, Hazel and Augustus were unaware Augustus’ cancer had relapsed yet in the scene where it is Gus’ pre-funeral, both teens know he doesn’t have much time left. This is shortly followed by a speech from Hazel, stating how she wouldn’t change the time they both spent together for the world within her eulogy to Gus. The speech is extremely saddening and the scene ends with Hazel saying Gus died eight days later.
Both of the Actors who played Hazel and Augustus are extremely talented and brought the character to life through the actions they carried out and through the way the spoke. One major example of this is how Ansel Elgort walked differently, keeping one leg straight, trying to imitate how a person would walk if they had a prosthetic leg like Augustus. This attention to minor detail made the film seem more true to the book which I loved prior to seeing the film.
Finally, I love how true to the book the film remains. Obviously, you can’t transform every chapter of a novel into a scene of the film, but The Fault in Our Stars includes almost all of my favourite scenes. One of the best things about this is that some of my most loved quotes from the novel were acted out on the big screen. This includes the quote, “It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.” Which Augustus says to Hazel when she tries to explain how she doesn’t want to end up hurting him if she was to die.

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