Thursday, 18 September 2014

Analysis of 'Divergent'

***Divergent train scene***(0:00-1:02)
When the scene opens, the mise-en-scene and the use of diegetic sound helps the viewer understand the setting. There are people standing in what looks like to be carriages and you can hear a train running on tracks and so people establish that the characters are on a train. At this point, the viewers don’t know where the train is going but this all changes when the camera focuses its mid-shot on the lady telling them to ‘get ready’. The camera is hand held and unsteady so it gives you the point of view of someone on the carriage, immersing the viewer into the film. There is a cut to a mid-shot of two girls and still, the camera is moving slightly, giving the viewers the feeling they are on the train. There is another cut to a mid-shot, tracking forwards to an over the shoulder shot which then pans from left to right, tilts down, pans from right to left and then tilts up again. The importance of this sequence of events is to again establish the setting. As the camera pans and tilts, the viewers see a high angle shot of what is below the people on the train. It exaggerates the drop below them and foreshadows what may happen next. Once the camera stops tilting back up, it remains an over the shoulder shot for a few seconds before in the background of the shot, you see a figure jumping out of the train and onto the building next to them. This was foreshadowed earlier when the female character told them to get ready and when you saw the drop. The camera cuts to a long shot of people jumping out of the train, panning slightly to follow the action of one man landing on the building. The importance of this shot is to show the distance they are jumping of the decent below them and fill the audience with tension about what might happen about the main characters. Whilst the men jump, non-diegetic sound begins playing to increase the amount of tension further. On the next cut, we are taken back to the main girl. We can assume she is the main character as the lighting is subtlety lighter on her than the girl to the left of her and the two males behind her. The camera pans from right to left slightly to bring the other girl into the shot and it continues to pan until we get an over the shoulder shot. This brings into view the people jumping off the train once again. Next, we are shown two males conversing. The character on the right is surrounded by shadows whilst the character on the left is surrounded by light. This conveys the feeling that the character on the right might be at conflict with himself. He doesn’t want to jump, but he also doesn’t want to face the consequences of not jumping. Another long shot is then added of more people jumping off the train. The camera follows one man in particular, tilting down to show his hard impact with the gravel below him. This shot was added to show the danger the characters are putting themselves through to fit in with the group. The next part also shows the extreme danger as the camera pans from left to right and tilts down slightly, focusing on a man who in the next shot, is hanging off the side of the building. The low angle reminds the viewer’s how daunting the drop is and that one small move could mean life or death for the characters. This is again building tension and suspense, leading them to question if the main girl will make the jump. The next cut shows more people jumping off the train yet this time, the mid-shot is at a slightly low angle tilting up the tiniest bit. This gives the viewers the impression the people jumping are strong and brave as they are portrayed as being dominant people. You get to watch their landing on the building as the camera tracks forward alongside the train and pans from left to right. The viewers also witness the male who was previously conflicted jump as well as another male as the camera sits stationary inside the carriage. It may have shown the other man jump as he may later become an important character. As the girls are about to jump, the camera cuts to a low-angle, showing how brave they are being as they overcome their fear of jumping. Before jumping though, the camera cuts to a crane shot, tracking from the right to the left. This shows the setting once more, reminding the viewer of the great jump they are about to do and that one wrong move could end it all. Once they had counted down from three, the girls begin to run off the train and the camera which is now inside the carriage pans from left to right, following them out of the train. A bird’s eye angle is then used, looking down on the girls as they take the leap. The leap is also in slow motion and all of these features together, along with their diegetic scream shows how terrifying it is to be in their position, jumping over a vast drop. Before landing, the camera quickly cuts to a low angle of the girls as they make it over the drop. It again reminds the viewers of the distance they have to jump and it also make the characters look strong and powerful.

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